The Microbial Feedback Control Laboratory (MFCL), led by Professor Nadav (Nadi) Bar at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, specializes in solutions for biosystems engineering and precision fermentation. This includes advanced control systems, digital twins, estimation theory, signal measurements processing, electronic solutions for bio-processes and predictive dynamic models, integrated with artificial intelligence-based models. The combination of the these elements within precision fermentation is novel but introduces significant scientific and engineering challenges. Our lab works to overcome these challenges, including the implementation of multi-input control by multiple measurements to achieve full control on the microbial processes. Additionally, we are addressing issues related to sustainable substrates for the biotechnology industry, especially by utilizing seaweed and forestry residuals, biomasses that were considered low value material or waste, as alternatives to traditional food-based sugars. Our in-house laboratory solutions places the MFC Lab in the front of science.

The Phycology Lab at Ghent University is headed by Olivier De Clerck. The research of his group focuses on genetics, diversity and life cycle control of marine macroalgae. The research group addresses questions ranging from descriptive taxonomy over ecological studies forecasting the distribution of species in relation to environmental change to genomics of selected green and brown seaweed species. A substantial part of the research involves a combination of fieldwork, culturing (including aquaculture) and manipulating seaweed strains to study their development (Dictyota), gamete development (Ectocarpus, Ulva) or morphogenesis and genomics (green seaweeds).

The Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR-Algarve) – is one of the foremost marine science research centres in Portugal, gathering experts in the fields of marine biology, ecology, oceanography, environmental sciences, biotechnology, fisheries and aquaculture.
Located in the South of Portugal, CCMAR-Algarve is an independent non-profit research organization within the University of the Algarve system. It has the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) as a strategic partner and, together with the Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), constitutes the Associate Laboratory CIMAR. CCMAR is the lead partner in the Portuguese component of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC). Learn more about EMBRC Portugal here.
Dedicated to R&D in marine sciences, CCMAR-Algarve aims to promote multidisciplinary research and education related with the marine environment, with emphasis on the processes of environmental change that affect marine ecosystems. With a multidisciplinary team of about 250 scientific researchers, well-equipped marine facilities and laboratories and facilitated access to important marine and coastal ecosystems, CCMAR-Algarve develops activities that fall into five different core areas: Research, Training, Business, Society and Collaboration.


According to the World University Ranking 2024 by the “Times Higher Education” magazine, Ulm University is the best small university for STEM and medical subjects in Germany and is also ranked among the top 200 universities in the world.
CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research – is a leading research and advanced training institution of the University of Porto, working at the frontier of Ocean Knowledge and Innovation.
CIIMAR fosters an integrated approach to Ocean and coastal areas promoting the understanding and knowledge of Biological, Physical and Chemical dynamics of these environments and the impact of natural and human activities, aiming to unravel the links between these processes, grasp Ocean and ecosystems functioning and responses to Global Changes.
CIIMAR uses knowledge-based approaches to promote the natural capital and the sustained management of marine resources through monitoring of ecosystems health, optimization of aquaculture, and biotechnological exploitation of the resources for environmental and human health applications.
CIIMAR provides innovative solutions and products responding to current economic and societal challenges, including new drugs and marine products for industrial and medicinal needs, water quality, sustainable fisheries, preparedness for and mitigation of oil spills and other emergent contaminants, environmental monitoring & risk assessment, preservation of ecosystems services, ocean & coastal management and Ocean Literacy.


The CeBiTec is one of the largest faculty-spanning central academic institutions at Bielefeld University, Germany. Its purpose is to bundle the biotechnological activities and research projects at the university, to foster cross-linking of research approaches and technologies from different research fields and to develop innovative projects. Our ersearch in iCULTURE belongs to the CeBiTec’s research area “Metabolic Engineering of Unicellular Systems and Bioproduction”. Our iCULTURE team comprises Volker F. Wendisch, Irene Tomy Parappuram and Sara-Sophie Poethe.


Alginor ASA is a Norwegian company establishing a fully transparent, traceable and integrated value chain for commercial harvesting and biorefining of Laminaria hyperborea for production of kelp-based ingredients for various applications. Alginor has developed a biorefinery concept, based on a technology platform that includes a production process targeting zero downstream biomass waste and excludes the use of toxic process chemicals for total utilization of the whole kelp.
Polar Algae is a seaweed company located in Hammerfest, a city in the arctic region of Norway. The company sustainably harvests wild ascophyllum nodosum and aims to produce seaweed extracts for agriculture, feed and cosmetic and food supplements industry.
Intellomics is a Croatian company with extensive proficiency in data science applied to fields like Life Sciences, Pharmaceutics, Big Data and Marketing. Our experience ranges from small projects for local customers to large scale projects for corporate customers in industry as well as research related activities in scientific projects.


FBK is the top Research Institute in Italy, ranked at the 1st place for scientific excellence within 3 different subject areas and for the economic and social impact according to the latest quality of research ANVUR evaluation. With its 3,500 square meters of laboratories and scientific infrastructures and a community of over 450 researchers, 140 doctoral students, 200 visiting fellows and thesis students, 700 affiliates and accredited students combined, Fondazione Bruno Kessler acts as a scientific and technological hub, its premises and platforms hosting a lively ecosystem of co-located ventures, spin-offs, projects and training opportunities.
The result of more than half a century of history, through 12 centres dedicated to technology and innovation and to the humanities and social sciences, FBK aims to achieve excellent results in the scientific and technological field with particular regard to interdisciplinary approaches and the application dimension.
This is due to the constant focus on collaborations and exchange activities with public administration and institutions, small, medium-sized and multinational companies, European and international institutions, which broaden the capacity for innovation and involve the local community and the local economy in the circulation of knowledge and technologies. The Mission of Fondazione Bruno Kessler can be summarized in two main points:

  1. Scientific research of excellence
  2. Impact on Society

FBK aims at excellence both in fundamental research for the advancement of knowledge, and in the more mature fields of science and technology that allow a greater and more immediate economic and social impact.


We have been working in the field of sustainability assessment of energy, mobility, and biosystems for >30 years with an emphasis on critical insular issues and circular economy.


Algaia is a French bio-ingredients company belonging to the Joseph Rettenmaier & Söhne (JRS) group since March 2023. It produces and markets seaweed extracts for the food industry, cosmetics, food supplements, medical devices and agriculture worldwide. In addition to the head office and production unit located in Brittany, near the second largest seaweed field in Europe, the company has a R&D center in Saint Lô in Normandy

Getinge is committed to meet today’s health care challenges together with health care providers and be part of improving patients’ lives around the globe. Getinge offering includes products and solutions for intensive care, cardiovascular procedures, operating rooms, sterile reprocessing and life science.


IBERAGAR, SA is a Portuguese company engaged in the manufacture and distribution of hydrocolloids derived from seaweeds in particular agar-agar.

onCyt Microbiology AG is a Swiss company providing online microbial monitoring solutions for industrial applications.

More than 111,000 employees in the BASF Group contribute to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio comprises six segments: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions. We focus on sustainbility, innovation and digitalization with the goal to create chemistry for a sustainable future. Sustainability is part of our company’s purpose an of strategic relevance. BASF targets to achieve net-zero emissions in 2050. As our production is very energy intense, we work on massively reducing our carbon footprint along the whole value chain. As part of this transformation, the transition towards renewable raw materials for the production of chemicals, has consequently become a focus topic in BASF’s corporate research.


FVA is an Italian SME operating since 1990 in the field of new media communication, education and stakeholders engagement for research and organizational contexts.
Since 1998 FVA is involved in EU financed research projects as partner expert in:

  • Strategic Dissemination and Communication to promote science;
  • Multi-stakeholders engagement;
  • Capacity building and education;
  • Facilitation of co-creation, Mobilisation and Mutual Learning activities;
  • Social media engagement.

FVA is also specialized in the production of: Media and New Media production, Serious games, advergames and entertainment, Technology Enhanced training platforms and ICT solutions.
FVA activities are mainly targeting the following domains: Circular Bioeconomy, Social innovation and RRI, Social Sciences and Humanities, Learning, Health and Security.